IC-ITECHS https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS <p><strong>The International Conference on Information Technology and Security (IC-ITECHS) </strong>is an annual international conference organized by STIKI Malang in collaboration with several partner universities. IC-ITECHS was held online on Tuesday, 6 December 2022. The theme of the conference is <strong>Youth Creativity Initiatives in an Uncertain Future: Opportunities and Challenges</strong>. All accepted articles will be published in international online proceedings with ISSN.</p> LPPM STIKI Malang en-US IC-ITECHS 2356-4407 Home Page IC-ITECHS 2023 https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/1155 <p>File ini berisi cover dan halaman awal IC-ITECHS 2023</p> Siti Aminah ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ 2024-01-26 2024-01-26 4 1 Web Portal of Tarlac Agricultural University ROTC Unit https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/995 <p>Web Portal of Tarlac Agricultural University ROTC Unit explores the development of a web-based system tailored to the specific needs of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) Unit at Tarlac Agricultural University (TAU). The research addresses the challenges associated with manual document filing and data management in a growing educational institution. The system aims to improve data management and access for the ROTC Unit at TAU through the development of a web portal, ultimately enhancing the efficiency of the unit's operations and aligning with the broader trends in information management. The developed web portal was evaluated in terms of functionality, reliability, maintainability, portability, usability, and efficiency, resulting in a Highly Acceptable evaluation from the end-users and IT experts.</p> Lyle Zhyla Patalod Jibril Yosuph S. Ibarra Arjay A. Santiago ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-06 2023-12-06 4 1 1 20 Implementation of Push Notification in the Final Project Title Submission Information System Using Websockets https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/1007 <p>The Sekolah Tinggi Informatika dan Komputer Indonesia (STIKI) Malang is a private higher education institution located in the city of Malang, with a focus on computer science education. To complete their academic programs at STIKI Malang, students must successfully complete a set of courses and undertake a research project as their final assignment. At undergraduate level, the final assignment at STIKI Malang spans from the 7th semester (Pre-Final Project / Pre-FP) to the 8th semester (Final Project / FP), during which students propose a research topic in the Pre-FP and present their research findings in the FP. Presently, the process of submitting FP research proposals at STIKI Malang involves several stages. It begins with downloading a document for data input, followed by submitting this document to prospective faculty advisors. These advisors then make decisions regarding whether to accept or reject the proposals. Given the high volume of proposal submissions by students over a short period, prospective faculty advisors face challenges in responding to and managing these submissions effectively. The objective of developing this Information System for Submitting Final Project Titles Using Websockets is to assist and streamline the processes for both faculty advisors and students in managing, responding to, and monitoring the submission of final project research topics throughout the submission period. Testing was carried out using the Black Box Testing method by inputting various data to verify whether the generated outputs align with the expected outcomes. The expected outcome of this research is to assist and streamline the processes for both faculty advisors and students during the final project proposal submission period, making it more effective and efficient.</p> Gellen Surya Dewanta Adnan Zulkarnain ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-06 2023-12-06 4 1 21 30 Implementation of Markerless as an Introduction Media To The Variant of Mobile-Based Covid Viruses https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/1009 <p>The Covid-19 virus has become a global pandemic since the end of December 2019. The virus was found in the Chinese city of Wuhan under the name Sars Cov 19. The Covid-19 virus spread very quickly in the world, including in Indonesia. The variants of the Covid-19 virus include the delta, gamma, iota, etc. variants. To support the identification of the type of Covid-19 virus, an Augmented Reality application has been designed which can provide information about the type, shape, character, spread, symptoms, and other information. Augmented Reality applications that are markerless can display augmented forms of these types of covid viruses. The test results show that the application functions properly and can provide information accurately and easily understood. By using the Augmented Reality feature, information can be conveyed more interestingly.</p> Ekananda Yanwar Julianto Chaulina Alfianti Oktavia ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-06 2023-12-06 4 1 31 36 Mustard Plant Growth Monitoring System Using Artificial Intelligence in Aquaponics https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/1023 <p>Modern agriculture increasingly relies on technology to increase efficiency and productivity.Aquaponics, a sustainable farming method that combines fish and plant farming, is emerging as a promising approach.To maximize yield in an aquaponics system, it is very important to monitor plant growth.In this context, artificial intelligence (AI) provides innovative solutions for monitoring and optimizing plant growth in real time.Artificial intelligence-based aquaponics technology is designed to be portable, allowing you to grow plants both inside and outside your home.AI-based aquaponics technology uses cameras to monitor plants in real time.The camera data is processed and analyzed by the AI system, allowing automatic monitoring of the plant-growing environment within the system.If you get results that show whether the leaves are still fresh or not, the leaves will die quickly.This technology, which utilizes CNN's deep learning techniques, will improve the efficiency of resource management and contribute to sustainable food production.This system can increase productivity and strengthen food security in the face of future challenges.This aquaponics technology can make a significant contribution to the development of sustainable agriculture and provide guidance and inspiration to those in the agricultural and food industries.By optimizing food production through AI-based aquaponics systems, communities can address global food security challenges and find greener, more efficient, and sustainable solutions for the future.&nbsp;</p> lyla putri deviana Styawati Styawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-06 2023-12-06 4 1 37 44 INTERNET OF THINGS-BASED CHILDREN'S SMART ROOM DESIGN https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/1026 <p>Home is one of the primary needs of human life. Used as a shelter from all the weather and a gathering place for a family. In a modern era where technology is evolving, the automation of the control of electronic devices in the home has become one of the solutions to make it easier for humans to create comfortable and safe room conditions and can train the discipline of family members, especially children. Sometimes the negligence that can make the expenditure, in a month becomes boros even causes fires, negligences which are simple in nature like forgetting to turn off electronic devices when travelling especially in children's bedrooms. Based on the above description of the problem and developing previous research, the author proposed a study entitled “Design Building Children’s Smart Room based on the Internet of Things” in which the author wanted to apply his research to the sleep patterns of children to be more regular and qualitative. One of them is to turn off the lights at ten o'clock at night, turn on the light at dawn at the same time as the alarm sounds, control the room temperature, switch on the fan, turn the fan off and monitor cigarette smoke and smoke due to electrical failure, and turn off electricity lines when the child is leaving school via the telegram application. The innovation will be connected to the telegram to provide intelligent bedroom notifications.</p> Jefri Andri Rifai Meiwidia Seftiana Damayati Damayati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-06 2023-12-06 4 1 45 55 Heltec Wifi LoRa 32 V2 Flood Stream Area Early Detection Technology https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/1025 <p>The goal of this research is to develop a LoRa (Long Range) technology-based early flood detection tool. The instrument designed features to track and identify possible flooding at Indonesian Teknokrat University, Bandar Lampung, and Kalibalau. The Heltec Wifi LoRa 32 V2 microcontroller was connected to an ultrasonic sensor installed to monitor the water level of the Kalibalau River as part of this study technique. River conditions can be categorized into four statuses using this tool: Danger (water level &gt; 143 cm), Alert 1 (water level 64-119 cm), Alert 2 (water level 120-142 cm), and Safe (water level 14-63 cm). The output, which takes the form of a buzzer, will be on constantly in the Danger status; it will be on for one minute in the Alert 1 status; it will be on twice for one minute in the Alert 2 status; and it will not be on in the Safe position. Based on the test findings, it can be concluded that the LoRa sending and receiving devices perform as intended and have communication capabilities up to 400 meters away. This tool is useful for keeping an eye on the Kalibalau River's health and for alerting users in the event that a possible flood hazard is identified. By developing flood monitoring technologies, this research helps improve public safety and awareness in flood-prone areas.</p> Feby Amanda S. Samsugi Styawati Styawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-06 2023-12-06 4 1 56 65 INTELLIGENT COCOA DRYER TECHNOLOGY BASED ON AN EMBEDDED SYSTEM https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/1027 <p>Technology has become a basic need for humans, which is used by all groups from children to adults, experts and non-experts, in various aspects of their lives. Every innovation is created with the aim of having a positive impact on human life. Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) is a plant originating from South America. And cocoa is one of the mainstay commodities of the plantation sub-sector with high economic value and plays an important role in the development of plantations in Indonesia. However, the drying process still uses heat from sunlight, so whether the drying process takes a long time or not really depends on the intensity of the sunlight shining on it. With the Embedded System concept implemented using a microcontroller, embedded systems can provide real time responses. To be a solution for drying cocoa without sunlight and being able to see the temperature and moisture content of the cocoa, the tool "Intelligent Cocoa Drying Technology Based on an Embedded System" was created. In this research, Arduino Uno is used as a microcontroller, a DHT22 sensor to detect the heat temperature in the box, an RTC DS3231 to carry out scheduling and a SoilMoisture sensor to measure water content after drying and a motorbike battery as an electricity backup in the event of a power outage.</p> Medy Dwi Kurniawan Muhammad Farhan S. Samsugi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-06 2023-12-06 4 1 66 73 DEODORIZATION TECHNOLOGY IN EMBEDDED SYSTEM-BASED CHICKEN COOPS https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/1029 <p><em>Village chickens are a type of chicken that has long been kept by rural communities.&nbsp;Free-range chickens also have an important role in meeting people's animal protein needs.&nbsp;Chicken manure deodorizing equipment is a very important tool in chicken farming to produce clean air in the chicken coop.&nbsp;One of the factors that supports the success of chicken growth is optimal environmental monitoring.&nbsp;A stable environment that meets your needs can improve the health and growth of chickens.&nbsp;In the process of growing free-range chickens, it can be influenced by the dirty air quality in the chicken coop, which can trigger the formation of ammonia gas.&nbsp;Chicken manure contains dangerous substances such as ammonia gas which can disrupt the health and comfort of chickens, as well as have a negative impact on the surrounding environment.&nbsp;The chicken manure odor removal tool is equipped with an MQ135 sensor and RTC (real-time clock).&nbsp;Based on the results of tests carried out, this tool is able to eliminate ammonia gas levels with a fogging system and regulate air circulation in the chicken coop automatically.</em></p> Rizki Devi Anggita ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-06 2023-12-06 4 1 74 81 MOTOR VEHICLE TRACKING AND SECURITY TECHNOLOGY USING GPS u-blox NEO 6M BASED ON ANDROID APPLICATION https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/1028 <p>Design a security system for motorbikes that uses Internet of Things (IoT) technology. This system is equipped with emergency safety features which aim to provide a sense of security to motorbike owners.This technology will be installed on motorbikes using microcontrollers such as NodeMCU ESP8266 V3 and ESP32-CAM., GPS module, Buzzer. The GPS module functions to determine the coordinates of the motor vehicle's position which will be sent and then displayed via a mobile application found on the motor vehicle owner's smartphone and the ESP32-CAM functions to take a picture of the theft perpetrator's face if a motorbike theft occurs, while the buzzer functions as an alarm on bicycle vehicles. motorbike Based on the test results, in testing the GPS connection, the smallest delay value was 1,800s and the largest delay was 3,600s. In sending images, the smallest delay value is 2.2s at a distance of 50m and the largest delay is 8.8s at a distance of 4000m, while for the buzzer the delay value is 60s after the SW-420 sensor sends vibrations to the buzzer.<em>Security system, Internet of Things, GPS, ESP32-CAM, Buzzer, Aplication Mobile</em></p> Khusnul Edis tira Bayu cahyadi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-06 2023-12-06 4 1 82 101 Implementation of Ultrasonic Sensors in Smart Trash Boxes https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/1024 <p>This article describes the use of ultrasonic sensors in smart trash cans as an innovative solution in waste management. The background of this research is the growing problem of waste and the need for more efficient approaches to its management. By using ultrasonic sensors, smart trash cans can automatically detect the level of trash inside and provide real-time information to users or waste management systems. This study focuses on the implementation of ultrasonic sensors, the technology used and the analysis of its benefits in increasing the efficiency of waste collection and management.</p> Winda Istiana ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-06 2023-12-06 4 1 102 106 Implementation of a smart trash box with Arduino Uno https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/1031 <p>The use of Arduino Uno in smart trash cans is an innovation that aims to increase the efficiency and sustainability of city waste management. By using a microcontroller system integrated with sensor technology, this smart trash bin can provide a smart and responsive solution to the challenges of city waste management. Container level sensors connected to Arduino Uno enable real-time monitoring of container levels.</p> Muhammad Randyka Rojat ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-06 2023-12-06 4 1 107 112 Design And Implementation Of Object Sensors On Assistive Devices For The Visually Impaired https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/1033 <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify;"><em><span style="font-size: 10.0pt; font-family: 'Cambria','serif'; color: black;">Blind is a general term used for the condition of someone who experiences problems or obstacles in their vision. Assistive tools for the blind using stainless steel sticks or using paralon sticks that are designed to be sticks, which are white with a sensor in the middle (Dedy irawanRio &amp; Wulansari, 2021). As a result of the loss or reduction in the function of their sense of sight, blind people try to maximize the function of their other senses such as touch, smell, hearing, and so on, sometimes they also find it difficult to find their way from one place to another using the traditional cane ( Muhammad, 2018). The cane functions as a guide and to make daily activities easier and also as a cane as a substitute for eyes for the blind (Dedy irawanRio &amp; Wulansari, 2021). But the stick also still has weaknesses inside. Traditional sticks also make it difficult to recognize an object in front of us. what the blind often use is to use estimates when entering a rising road. To make this tool, software and hardware are needed. Where to control the hardware, a microcontroller is needed, namely an electronic component that can work according to a program that is loaded into its memory, like a very simple computer (Tarigan et al., 2020). Microcontrollers are very suitable for use with specific purposes because their large ROM and RAM ratio means that the control program is stored in ROM which is relatively larger in size, while RAM is used as a temporary storage area, including the registers used in the microcontroller in question. Based on this and developing previous research, the author conducted research with the title "Design and Implementation of Object Sensors in Assistive Devices for the Blind." In this research the author proposes a tool or system that is capable of detecting obstacles in assistive devices for the blind, which is very important for notifying them of their existence. objects or obstacles for blind people when walking</span></em></p> Muhammad Randy Pratama Tama Dika Rahmandani Yuri Rahmanto Dedi Darwis ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-06 2023-12-06 4 1 113 118 INTERNET OF THINGS USES NODEMCU FOR PULSE DETECTION ON SMART HELMETS https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/1034 <table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="368"> <p><em>Safety and security while driving, especially for motorcycle riders, are crucial aspects of everyday life. Accidents often occur due to riders feeling tired or drowsy while operating their vehicles. Statistics indicate a high rate of traffic accidents in Indonesia, with motorcycles being one of the most frequently involved vehicles in accidents. This research aims to design a device that can detect the drowsy state of motorcycle riders using sensors on NodeMCU and the MAX30105 Sensor to measure their heart rate. When the device detects signs of drowsiness, the rider will receive a warning through a buzzer, enhancing traffic safety. Thus, this study proposes the concept of developing a smart helmet based on the Internet of Things (IoT) to reduce the risk of traffic accidents caused by drowsy riders</em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Bayu Bayu Satrio Mochammad RonaldiFajri S. Samsugi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-06 2023-12-06 4 1 119 130 INTERNET OF THINGS BASED FLOOD HEIGHT DETECTION https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/1038 <p><em>Flooding is a disaster that often occurs in residential areas today, one of which is Jalan Teratai Gg Mawar I, Surabaya Village, Kedaton District, where this village is in an area close to a river. Floods can occur due to overflowing water, one of the causes is a lack of awareness among people who still throw rubbish in rivers and because there are broken embankments. Therefore, we need a flood warning system technology that can help provide information on flood disasters efficiently. One way is by utilizing internet of things (IOT) technology which can provide data information in the form of water level. This research aims to monitor water levels for information when a flood occurs. Ultrasonic sensors are used to detect water levels, and NodeMcu is used to process and send data to smartphones via the WhatsApp application. The results of this research show a system that can monitor the condition of the river water level repeatedly and when it reaches the specified height, the system will send a flood warning using the WhatsApp application installed on the smartphone, and a buzzer as an alarm signal and LED lights are used. as an indicator that can inform alert, alert and danger status. With this flood warning detection system, it is hoped that it can provide information when a flood occurs.</em></p> Tedi Surya tedi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-07 2023-12-07 4 1 131 139 TEMPERATURE MONITORING AND AUTOMATIC FEEDING OF RABBIT CAGES https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/1040 <p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-size: 10.0pt; font-family: 'Cambria',serif; color: #252525;">The public is becoming more and more interested in raising rabbits for meat, particularly in urban areas like Jakarta. The market for rabbits is expanding, particularly as a means of supplying animal protein. Nonetheless, because the general public is not as aware of the economic potential and yield of rabbit products, the rabbit farming industry is not growing as quickly as other livestock farming industries. This research is expected to overcome obstacles faced by rabbit breeders, such as extreme temperature fluctuations, by providing technological solutions that can improve the health and well-being of rabbits.</span></p> Puja Restu Adinda ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-07 2023-12-07 4 1 140 145 Progressive Web Application (PWA) Based E-commerce Design (Case Study: Dewo Home Industry in Jombang Regency) https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/1041 <p>Current technological advances cannot be separated from the existence of e-commerce, where product buying and selling transactions are carried out online via electronic means. Dewo home industry is a home industry that sells snack products, instant herbs and traditional drinks. In the system that is currently running there are several problems including the first in terms of promotion, because the owner is required to promote his products to supermarkets and also souvenir centers. The second problem is the recapitulation of transaction data which is not carried out routinely, then there is no arrangement or notification of product stock information, and there is also no forum for giving feedback from buyers after making transactions. From these problems, a PWA-based website application was designed which will be of added value to the application, because users can get experience operating a mobile application simultaneously, even without an installation process and can be used even if the network is unstable even in offline mode.</p> Erlina Novita Putri Siti Aminah Arif Tirtana ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-07 2023-12-07 4 1 146 152 BEYOND AUTOMATION https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/1046 <p>Within the field of software engineering, CI/CD refers to the combination of continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (usually) or deployment (sporadically). The foundation of contemporary DevOps operations is the continuous integration and continuous delivery pipeline, or CI/CD pipeline. Continuous practices, such continuous integration, delivery, and deployment, are used by the software development industry to assist businesses in reliably and consistently releasing new features and products.We automate the software delivery process with a CI/CD pipeline. Code is developed, tests are run (CI), and a new version of the application is securely delivered (CD) as part of the pipeline. Pipelines that are automated remove human error, give developers standardized feedback loops, and improve the efficiency of product iteration. Our software development lifecycle can be more effectively automated and allows us to keep an eye on code changes, new features, possible problem fixes, and other things by integrating a CI/CD pipeline. Continuous deployment can also be denoted by the "CD" in CI/CD, which stands for continuous integration and delivery. Automating steps in the CI/CD pipeline is what is meant by both continuous delivery and continuous deployment. but Continuous deployment, however, goes a bit beyond. Making the deployment of new code simple is the goal of continuous delivery. Continuous deployment automates the deployment phase, enabling teams to take a "hands-off" approach to the process. Teams may ship changes on a daily, weekly, monthly, or even hourly basis using an automated CI/CD pipeline, and every step of the process can be optimized. We can swiftly introduce new features and adjustments, enabling us to react to emerging trends and resolve any problems. We don't want the system to abruptly shut down when periodic maintenance is required.</p> Vishwa S ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-07 2023-12-07 4 1 153 157 Data Security and Privacy Protection for Cloud Storage Using BCH https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/1048 <p>In recent technology cloud storage technology which is gaining more and more attention.. The protection of the secrecy of the arts relies for the most part on the fact that encryption technology while storing or processing the customer data. Our cloud-based, three-layer storage framework. The proposed framework can use cloud storage and protect secret information. The hash-Solomon coding algorithm is created for distinct portions, and it using data to divide it. The first part received the knowledge, if the knowledge is lacking, and it have lost. In the real world from the human point of view of which are the algorithms secure the data and use the knowledge and assurance of a bucket, and in accordance with what has been designed by the effective cause cannot be in the reason Furthermore, SaaS, According to the computational intelligence algorithm that can compute distribution clouds, fog, and machine, respectively, SaaS , the customer rejected their request in the accessible hosting environment via the network from various clients via application users. The customer was unable or unwilling to submit them to the controlling cloud infrastructure, especially in cloud settings like, with the exception of limited user-specific application configuration. For SaaS models, Google Apps and Microsoft Office 365 are good options.</p> MEESALA MANIKANTA ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-11 2023-12-11 4 1 158 166 Development and deployment of advanced machine learning frameworks for the identification ,analysis,and neutrolzationof botnet activities throught extensive network traffic https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/1049 <p>In this study, we offer an advanced machine learning (ML) framework for network traffic analysis-based botnet detection and neutralization. By allowing criminal actions like spamming, distributed denial of service assaults, and data theft, botnets pose a serious threat to network security. The ability of traditional botnet detection techniques, which rely on signature- and rule-based approaches, to recognize previously undiscovered botnet variants is constrained. In this paper, we introduce an innovative machine learning framework that makes use of deep learning methods to examine network traffic patterns and spot probable botnet activities. In order to categorize traffic as botnet- related or normal, the framework makes use of information derived from network traffic data and trains a convolutional neural network (CNN) model. The usefulness of the suggested architecture is demonstrated by experimental findings on a real-world network dataset, which achieve high accuracy in botnet identification while minimizing false positives. The created framework offers an effective way to identify and eliminate botnets, enhancing the general security of network settings.</p> Mangali Karthik ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-11 2023-12-11 4 1 167 173 Implementation of IoT-Based Automated Waste Bin https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/1051 <p>Urban waste management represents a significant challenge in the context of growing urbanization and environmental concerns. This study explores the implementation of Internet of Things (IoT)-based automated waste bins as an innovative solution for enhancing the efficiency of waste collection systems in urban areas. The research adopts a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative analyses to provide a comprehensive understanding of the technology's impact. The implementation of IoT- based automated waste bins has resulted in notable improvements in operational efficiency. Real-time monitoring of fill levels enables dynamic route optimization, reducing travel distances and fuel consumption. Survey results indicate positive user acceptance, with end-users expressing satisfaction with the convenience and reliability of automated waste collection services. Financial benefits are evident through the reduction in operational costs, attributed to optimized routes and schedules. Furthermore, the technology contributes to environmental sustainability by minimizing the environmental footprint of waste collection operations. The study also highlights challenges, such as IoT data security concerns and initial implementation costs, emphasizing the need for careful consideration in the adoption process. The findings suggest promising implications for the future integration of IoT in waste management systems. Recommendations include further research on IoT data security,. In conclusion, the implementation of IoT- based automated waste bins presents a viable and effective solution for addressing the challenges of urban waste management. The study contributes valuable insights for policymakers, urban planners, and technology developers seeking sustainable and efficient waste management solutions in the ever-evolving urban landscape.</p> doni irawan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-11 2023-12-11 4 1 174 182 Prediction of Multiple Diseases Using Machine Learning https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/1053 <p>Due to machine learning progress in healthcare communities, accurate study of medical data benefits patient care, early disease recognition and community services. Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence are playing a big role in today’s world. From self-driving cars to medical fields, we can find . machine learning and Artificial Intelligence role everywhere. The medical industry generates a huge amount of patient data which can be processed in a lot of ways. So, with the help of machine learning, we have created a Prediction System that can detect more than one disease at a time. Many of the existing systems can predict only one disease at a time and that too with lower accuracy. Lower accuracy can seriously put a patient’s health in danger. We have considered five diseases for now and in the future, many more diseases can be added. The user has to enter various parameters of the disease and the system would display the output whether he/she has the disease or not. This project can help a lot of people as one can monitor the persons’ condition and take the necessary precautions thus increasing the life expectancy.</p> Shubham Kumar Singh ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-11 2023-12-11 4 1 183 189 The article has been retracted https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/1113 <pre class="tw-data-text tw-text-large tw-ta" dir="ltr" data-placeholder="Terjemahan" data-ved="2ahUKEwi7jMeNmoKEAxVpxjgGHSFPCrAQ3ewLegQIDhAQ"><em><strong><span class="Y2IQFc" lang="en">The article has bee rectracted</span></strong></em><em><strong><span class="Y2IQFc" lang="en"> by the author on January 29, 2024</span></strong></em></pre> <p>&nbsp;</p> Article Retracted ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-12 2023-12-12 4 1 190 194 Shaping the Future of Animation Towards Role of 3D Simulation Technology in Animation Film and Television https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/1057 <p>The application of 3D simulation technology has revolutionized the field of animation film and television art,providing new possibilities andcreative opportunities for visual storytelling.This research aims to explore the various aspects of applying 3D simulation technology in animationfilm and television art.It examines how 3D simulation technology enhances the creation of realistic characters,environments,and special effects,contributing to immersive and captivating storytelling experiences.The research also investigates the technical aspects of integrating 3D cloudsimulation technology into the animation production pipeline,including modeling,texturing,rigging,and animation techniques.This paperexplores the application of these optimization algorithms in the context of cloud-based 3D environments,focusing on enhancing the efficiencyand performance of 3D simulations.Black Widow and Spider Monkey Optimization can be used to optimize the placement and distribution of 3Dassets in cloud storage systems,improving data access and retrieval times.The algorithms can also optimize the scheduling of rendering tasks incloud-based rendering pipelines,leading to more efficient and cost effective rendering processes.The integration of 3D cloud environments andoptimization algorithms enables real-time optimization and adaptation of 3D simulations.This allows for dynamic adjustments of simulationparameters based on changing conditions,resulting in improved accuracy and responsiveness.Moreover,it explores the impact of 3D cloudsimulation technology on the artistic process,examining how it influences the artistic vision,aesthetics,and narrative possibilities in animationfilm and television.The research findings highlight the advantages and challenges of using 3D simulation technology in&nbsp;animation,shedding lighton its potential future developments and its role in shaping the future of animation film and television art.</p> Wang Li ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-12 2023-12-12 4 1 195 209 Utilization Of Information And Communication Technology In Learning At Gajah Mada High School https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/1058 <p>One way to spread information and messages is through educational media. Effectively crafted educational materials greatly aid pupils in assimilation and comprehension of the material. The advancement of learning media has been fueled by the growth of information technology in today's globalized and information-rich environment. There is already a desire for using information and communication technology (ICT) as a learning tool. Even while ICT-based media design calls for specialized knowledge, this does not mean that the medium is shunned or ignored. ICT-based learning resources include mobile phones, CD rooms/flash drives, intranets, and the internet. To adapt to increasingly rapid changes caused by technological advances, learning patterns must be changed. A qualitative approach with a descriptive model was used in this research to analyze and explain how information and communication technology is used in learning at Gajah Mada High School. According to research conducted, the teacher's paradigm in using information and communication technology in learning is still limited to the use of ICT-based computer media as presentation material in the learning process. The use of the internet to search for information about subject matter is still limited, and social networks are still not included as a new learning system. The use of technology as a way to learn in the teaching and learning process can help teachers communicate and interact with their students both in the classroom and outside the classroom. Technology in education is nothing new; has proven to be very important to make students innovative and fun.</p> Wawan Koswara Wawan Koswara ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-12 2023-12-12 4 1 210 218 Introducing the Autoimmune Skin Diseases Managing App https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/1061 <p>Introducing the Autoimmune Skin Diseases Managing App - the solution to the challenges faced by people with autoimmune skin diseases. Autoimmune skin diseases pose significant challenges to individuals affected by these conditions. Patients often struggle with managing their symptoms and treatment regimens, leading to a reduced quality of life. This research paper presents an innovative solution: an autoimmune skin disease tracking app with a community support feature. This app aims to empower patients, enhance disease management, and foster a supportive community environment for those living with autoimmune skin diseases. The traditional management of autoimmune skin diseases often involves frequent visits to healthcare providers and manual symptom tracking. However, advances in mobile technology present an opportunity to improve disease management, empower patients, and create a supportive community. With the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning, it can enhance the disease management by extracting patterns from the data given by user.</p> Hema S ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-12 2023-12-12 4 1 219 223 Music recommendation system based on face emotion recognition using Convolution Recurrent Neural Network(CRNN) https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/1063 <p>The emergence of commercial music streaming services, which can be accessed via mobile devices, has greatly enhanced the accessibility of digital music compared to previous periods. Organizing digital music can be a laborious and even overwhelming task, resulting in information overload. Therefore, the creation of an automated music recommender system that can effectively search music collections and offer suitable song recommendations to consumers is quite beneficial. By employing a music recommender system, music providers can predict and deliver appropriate song recommendations to users based on the audible characteristics of previously listened-to music. The aim of our study is to create and execute a music recommender system that leverages audio signal properties to offer recommendations based on similarity. This study leverages a convolutional recurrent neural network (CRNN) to extract features and employs a similarity distance metric to evaluate the similarity of these derived features. The study&amp;#39;s findings indicate that consumers have a preference for recommendations that consider music genres rather than those that solely concentrate on similarities. The system&amp;#39;s performance was assessed using the FER2023 dataset and compared to the most advanced techniques, resulting in an accuracy of 85%.</p> Avanthika Suresh ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-12 2023-12-12 4 1 224 229 WIRELESS NETWORK SECURITY USING WIRELESS INTRUSION DETECTION SYSTEM https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/1064 <p>Wireless network security is becoming increasingly important in the era of rapidly developing information technology. In an effort to protect wireless networks from attacks and threats, the use of a wireless intrusion detection system (Wireless Intrusion Detection System) has become an effective solution. This journal aims to examine the application of the Wireless Intrusion Detection System in improving wireless network security. WIDS is a system used to detect intrusions on wireless networks. This system can identify attacks such as denial of service (DoS) attacks, brute force attacks, and intrusion attacks. With WIDS, network administrators can take appropriate action to overcome these attacks and maintain the integrity of the wireless network.</p> Zahrina Amalia ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-12 2023-12-12 4 1 230 233 Student Mutation and Problematic of Education Administration in Malang City https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/1114 <p>The students get educational services, one of which is the student mutation. Based on the data’s student mutations in Education and Culture Office of Malang City, Kesatrian 1 Elementary School and 1 Junior High School had the highest number of student mutations in Malang City. The highest rate of student mutation is mainly caused by following their parents to another city and other problems.The purpose of this research is to describe and analyze student mutation and its problems in Malang City and the factors of student mutation. The suggestion for this research is to pay attention to students, especially improving student management to reduce the high rate of student mutation.</p> Nuraini Fauzia ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-13 2023-12-13 4 1 234 238 Designing Explainer Video As Part Of Landing Page’s Promotional Media (Study Case : Rakryan, An Education Technology Start-Up) https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/1088 <p>Invariably, startups encounter challenges when introducing their products to the market, particularly when featuring unprecedented innovations. Overcoming these hurdles necessitates a communication strategy and media approach that focuses on educating the intended audience. An explainer video is considered a viable media option to fulfill this need. This study aims to design an explainer video and analyze its significant influence in addressing the aforementioned challenges. The design process initiates with qualitative data research to formulate positioning and brand persona, serving as guidelines for the communication strategy, both verbally and visually. Subsequently, the explainer video is strategically produced, aligning with these guidelines to achieve an effective explainer video, complemented by supporting media. This objective is evaluated through a feasibility questionnaire, assessed by the startup&amp;#39;s board of directors and media experts. Results indicate that incorporating explainer videos on the startup&amp;#39;s landing page significantly enhances audience comprehension of the product in an accessible and engaging manner. The result indicates that utilizing explainer videos on the landing page not only facilitates audience understanding of the service but also positively influences the brand image, enhancing the customer&amp;#39;s perception of the product&amp;#39;s value.</p> Tony Wahyudi Mahendra Wibawa ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-13 2023-12-13 4 1 239 248 Educational Game “Aoki and Friends” as Learning Media for Children in Animals Knowledge https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/1084 <p>The purpose of this educational game is to teach players—especially kids—about animals. Learning games help increase kids&amp;#39; brain activity so they can answer problems more rapidly. Children can develop their sense of humanity, learn responsibility, and increase their emotional and social intelligence through identifying animals. The information utilized in this game comes from scientific sources as well as the author&amp;#39;s own experience. The fundamental idea behind this game is that Aoki, a little child, is really curious about animals. Players of this instructive drag-and-drop game are instructed to select an animal, after which a description of the species will appear. The Game Development Life Cycle (GDLC) approach, which begins at the beginning and ends at the end, is used in this game design. beginning with the idea and concept development phase and ending with the game&amp;#39;s release. Children between the ages of 4 and 9 are the target audience for this instructional game. Black box testing results from functional testing demonstrate that every game function works as intended.</p> Alfian Dwiki Fernanda Sidiq Suastika Yulia Riska ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-15 2023-12-15 4 1 249 258 “Digital Economy Opportunities and Challenges in the Era of Connection “ https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/1083 <p>The digital economy has emerged as a transformative force in the era of global connectivity, changing the way we interact, shop and do business. This article explores the opportunities and challenges posed by the digital economy in the era of global connections. The concept of the digital economy refers to economic activities that take place online via the internet. In this digital realm, business transactions, payments and information exchange occur through digital platforms such as websites, applications and social media. Technological innovation has driven the rapid growth of the digital economy, connecting the business world and consumers more quickly and efficiently. The digital economy offers various opportunities for individuals, companies and governments. First, broad global access allows small and medium businesses to market their products to international markets, without geographical restrictions. This encourages business growth and creates new jobs. Second, digital platforms enable the development of new businesses based on technology and innovation. Technology startups are revolutionizing traditional business models with innovative solutions that add value to consumers. Examples are ride-sharing and e-commerce platforms that have changed the way we travel and shop.</p> Niswatun Umami ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-19 2023-12-19 4 1 259 263 The Role of Technology in Economic and Business Transformation in the Digital Era https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/1082 <p>innovative. In this article, we discuss how technology has influenced various aspects of the economy and business, as well as the challenges and opportunities faced by companies in adopting new technology and integrating it into their operations. This research uses a literature study method using books, journal articles and official websites. By providing a comprehensive overview of the role of technology in economic and business transformation in the digital era, this article provides a better understanding of how technology can help companies and society achieve greater progress in the future.</p> Siska Amelia ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-19 2023-12-19 4 1 264 270 Visual Branding Design "Kampung Roti Bundelan" Banjarwaru Village Lumajang Regency https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/1081 <p>Kampung Roti Bundelan is one of the potentials owned by Banjarwaru Village. There are approximately 9 bread and cake home industries that produce market snacks, to cakes that can be found in modern shops. Kampung Roti Bundelan also presents an experience of learning to make local bread and cakes so that visitors can make and experience the cakes they make firsthand. The lack of information about Kampung Roti Bundelan means that not many consumers know about the existence of Kampung Roti Bundelan, so an idea emerged from the designer to provide a solution by designing a visual branding for Kampung Roti Bundelan to introduce the image of Kampung Roti Bundelan to the general public. The method used in this design is design thinking through 5 stages, namely empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and testing with data analysis using 5W + 1H. The results of this design produce the main media in the form of user interface design as information media to the audience, and supporting media in the form of stationery sets, print communication media, digital communication media, packaging designs, marking systems, event backdrops, and merchandise.</p> Adam Abdillah Pujiyanto Pujiyanto Adita Ayu Kusumasari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-19 2023-12-19 4 1 271 279 Enhancing Tilapia Growth in Modern Aquaponics Through IoT Integration https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/1076 <p>Aquaponics is a system recognized as an innovative method of sustainable food production that combines fish cultivation with agriculture simultaneously. Aquaponics is able to overcome problems in urban areas which require land for farming and fish cultivation. The aim of this research is to implement an IoT system in aquaponics that is connected to various sensors, such as Ph sensors, TDS sensors, temperature sensors and turbidity sensors to monitor water quality conditions in tilapia habitats. The results of this research show that implementing an IoT system in aquaponics can overcome environmental monitoring and control problems effectively. By using methods in the aquaponics system and using the IoT system in collecting data so that it can respond to environmental changes quickly and precisely. This system helps increase tilapia fish growth and plant productivity in a modern aquaponics system. This research demonstrates the great potential of IoT technology in increasing efficiency and productivity in aquaponic cultivation, so it can push the fisheries sector in a more advanced and competitive direction. So that we can face the challenges of food security and move towards more environmentally friendly, efficient solutions for future sustainability.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Bagas Setiawan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-19 2023-12-19 4 1 280 292 Optimization of Steganography Techniques to Protect Important Information in Data Transmission https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/1075 <p>Currently, social media has become an immensely popular platform, enabling users to share content, provide feedback, and interact with each other. Despite its convenience, the use of social media, particularly in sharing photos and videos, is often vulnerable to misuse due to a lack of security. Media security is crucial to prevent potential risks and undesired consequences. One effective way to enhance security is by implementing steganography techniques. Steganography involves a series of methods to conceal secret messages within cover files, making them undetectable in stego images. This research summarizes the latest methods in steganography techniques, focusing on utilizing cover files as containers to store secret information. The research findings indicate that the most commonly used method is Least Significant Bit (LSB) due to its ease of implementation, allowing for further development and combination with other methods or techniques to enhance security in hiding secret information. The analysis also reveals that the LSB method produces a lower average error rate compared to other methods.</p> Zahra Kharisma Sangha ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-20 2023-12-20 4 1 293 296 The use of cashier applications in retail stores in managing transactions https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/1072 <p>This article discusses the use of cashier applications in retail stores as an effective tool in carrying out the transaction process. In the era of rapidly growing digitalization, the use of cashier applications has become an important requirement for retail stores to improve efficiency and accuracy in transaction management. This article will explain some of the benefits gained from using cashier applications in retail stores. First, the use of the cashier application can reduce human error in calculating the price and quantity of goods purchased by customers. With the barcode scanner feature, the cashier application can automatically recognize products, calculate prices, and reduce the risk of errors in calculations. In addition, this article will also discuss the ease of running the payment process through the cashier application. Customers can use various payment methods such as credit card, debit, or digital payment, which simplifies and speeds up the transaction process. This also provides a more comfortable and modern shopping experience for customers. Next, this article will highlight the benefits of the inventory management feature on the cashier application. With this feature, retail stores can easily manage stock items, update prices, and generate real-time sales reports. This allows store owners to have accurate and up-to-date information about sales and inventory. In conclusion, the use of the cashier application in retail stores has brought many benefits in running the transaction process. With the use of cashier applications, retail stores can increase efficiency, reduce errors, and provide a better shopping experience to customers. Therefore, the use of cashier applications in retail stores is highly recommended to improve business performance and success.</p> abdal matiin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-20 2023-12-20 4 1 297 299 Analysis of the Influence of Information Technology on Muslim Style https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/1062 <p>Nowadays, the world has developed so advanced that technology has made human life easier. So, from here, humans will undergo a lifestyle change that will follow the evolution of the times. Because this rapid development of technology is so accessible, it will have a profound impact on the lives of society as a whole. The wider public will be able to proudly demonstrate their culture through this advance of information technology. These are the cultures that can spread rapidly and influence other societies to follow. Muslims must understand this information technology development well. So that Muslims not only follow, but can also use it to help. Muslims must really pay attention to the development of information technology to make it a lifestyle that matches their vision and mission as this technology can be widely used to provide services to everyone.</p> Muhammad Chanafy ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-20 2023-12-20 4 1 300 305 The Effects of Learning How to Learn on Gen-Z Students’ STEM and Internet Skills https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/1068 <p>This study explored the effects of learning how to learn on Gen-Z students’ interest, confidence, and quality of learning in STEM subjects and their internet usage. The research question was: How can learning how to learn help Gen-Z students in STEM education and their daily internet activities? The research design was a mixed methods approach that combined quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis. The data sources were questionnaires and observations of students from NGS Kampong Cham who participated in five sessions of learning how to learn training. The results showed that the training had positive effects on the students’ satisfaction, learning strategies, feedback, and internet behavior. However, the training did not have significant effects on the students’ ability to apply, explain, or solve problems in STEM subjects. We suggested some implications and recommendations for future research and practice, such as conducting more studies to examine the long-term effects of learning how to learn training, using more rigorous methods to evaluate the impact of learning how to learn training on student ability, including more diverse samples to generalize the findings of learning how to learn training, developing more innovative and effective ways to integrate learning how to learn into the curriculum and instruction of STEM subjects, and establishing more collaboration and communication between stakeholders to promote and support learning how to learn as a key skill for lifelong learning.</p> Cholsa Kosal ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-22 2023-12-22 4 1 306 316 Evaluation Analysis of Online Learning Platforms in Improving Critical Thinking Skills at SMPN 1 Sidomulyo https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/1067 <p>Online learning has become an integral part of modern education, especially at SMPN 1 Sidomulyo. This research aims to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of online learning platforms in improving students' critical thinking skills at this level. The research method uses a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches, involving students and teachers as research subjects. Research instruments in the form of questionnaires, interviews and observations were used to collect data.</p> Rulyansyah Permata Putra ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-22 2023-12-22 4 1 317 320 ANALYSIS OF DDOS ATTACK USING IDS SNORT WITH SLOW LORIS ATTACK METHOD ON PENTMENU TOOL KALI LINUX https://file.stiki.ac.id/IC-ITECHS/article/view/1066 <p>This study delves into the comprehensive analysis of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, specifically employing the Intrusion Detection System (IDS) Snort. The focus lies on the utilization of the Slow Loris attack method within the Pentmenu tool on the Kali Linux platform. The research aims to scrutinize the intricacies of DDoS attacks and evaluate the effectiveness of Snort IDS in identifying and mitigating threats posed by the Slow Loris technique. The experimentation involves simulated attacks using the Pentmenu tool, allowing for an in-depth examination of the attack vectors and their impact. The findings of this study contribute to the enhancement of network security measures against DDoS attacks, particularly those employing the Slow Loris method, providing valuable insights for cybersecurity practitioners and researchers.</p> Win Hanif Nur Rosid ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-22 2023-12-22 4 1 321 324