Design of Informatics Learning Media Using Powtoon at SMPN 2 Bukittinggi

Mitra Rakyat Wlingi Cooperative Data Management System Using Prototype

Automatic Plant Watering System Using RTC And Rain Sensor

Optimizing Blind NoSQL Injection Attacks Using the Binary Search Algorithm Approach

Calculation of Customer Satisfaction Level Assessment by Applying the K-Means Algorithm

Developing A Professional Internship Management Module In College Academic Information System (A Case Study At STIKI)

Analysis of Goods Delivery System Testing Using Black Box Testing

Application of the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Method in Classifying Rice Plant Leaf Diseases

  • DOI :
  • Gracia Yoel Christiawan, Roy Andani Putra, Azis Sulaiman, Evy Poerbaningtyas, Syntia Widyayuningtias Putri Listio
    • Halaman : 294 - 306
    • Abstract views : 311
    • PDF views : 400

Analysis of Twitter User Sentiment towards the 2024 Election Based on the XLM-T Model

  • DOI :
  • Mochamad Rafli Ghufron, Muhammad Farrih Mahabbataka Arsyada, Muhammad Rizano Lukman, Yudhistira Azhar Haryono Putra, Nur Aini Rakhmawati
    • Halaman : 307-315
    • Abstract views : 351
    • PDF views : 177

IT Governance Capability Assessment Using COBIT 2019 Framework in STIKI Malang Library Information Systems

Design of a Web-Based Bintang Sidikalang (Sidesta) Village Information System

Department Recommendation System Using Web Based Naive Bayes Gaussian Algorithm

A Bibliometrics Analysis for Artificial Intelligence Implementation of Employment in Education Institutions

  • DOI :
  • Dicka Widya Purnama, Candra Bagus Ainur Rochman, Rafli Darmawan, Putri Amaliyah, Achmad Dzikrul Baqi, Archam Zahidin, Renny Sari Dewi
    • Halaman : 371 - 382
    • Abstract views : 138
    • PDF views : 121

Middleware untuk Otomatisasi dan Sinkronisasi Digital Signage pada Aplikasi Xibo